The Boroughs of Lincoln
Small Dave and Dr. Loud take your trembling hand and walk you through the beautiful, pristine city of Lincoln Nebraska one borough at a time. *NSFW* Artwork by our dear friends Lori Allison and Hannah Demma. Hosted by Small Dave Merritt and Dr. Loud. Produced by Dr. Loud
The Boroughs of Lincoln
Small Dave and Dr. Loud set out on their virgin voyage, covering the Borough where this podcast is created. They discuss giants of Belmont history, the local controversy regarding dog leash use, coffee, and just what kind of podcast are they doing? They don’t know yet.
So they talk about what they know. Religion, politics, regulation, the “openness” of Nebraska. The city they live in. The neighborhoods of that city. The Boroughs of Lincoln. Starting with Belmont, home of Dr. Loud and the podcast recording location.
The Boroughs of Lincoln is born.
Hosted by Small Dave Merritt and the Benevolent Dr. Loud
Produced by Dr. Loud